The Flamethrower – Bravo Laserworks
Okay so this isn’t actually laser related (though I could add a red dot pointer to it i suppose!) but it involves high voltage, fire, and more… so the boys and I are going to build a flamethrower. We will go over legalities and use cases as well as best practices of design, build, and use with an emphasis on safety and risk management.
I looked at many similar devices, both commercially available and DIY, as well as data on the military equipment. I opted for the fuel pump over having a pressurized tank of ‘gas’ strapped to my back. Those high pressure systems require careful engineering and design to be safe. The system I’m building uses gravity to get the fuel to the pump and it’s only pressurized from the pump outlet to the nozzle. Additionally I will likely have normally closed solenoids both immediately after the fuel tank outlet as well as immediately before the nozzle.
If this fuel pump type device goes well, I may try a pressurized tank system in the future…
This will be function over form and likely a crude build initially so bare-bones as far parts go. Here is the parts list so far:
Here is a short video of the main components temporarily fabbed up and having power applied for 10 seconds or less to test and get proof of concept: